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A greeting from Vera Lam 林小萍的問候 (11/23/14)

哈囉!大家好!要跟大家吉如網站的網友, 大家朋友問好!
我是Vera 林小萍。這是我的書" Lonely American", 還有英文版哦!大家看了嗎?
假如您有機會的話, 噢, 歡迎購買, 歡迎看我的書。
有什么喜歡的或者不喜歡的, 要...给我寫個review, 然後告訴我, 好嗎?
謝謝大家的鼓勵跟支持, 跟謝謝吉如網站的站長。好, 拜拜!


讀者的話 Comments from a book reader (11/27/14)

Upon a friend’s recommendation, I read “The lonely American” novel from cover to cover.  Initially I had no intention to write any comment.  It was the author’s feedback seeking and encouragement video posted on this website that changed my mind.  I became intrigued by her open mind and decided to write some comments partly to express my support of her book, but mainly because I really like the novel which I heard is based on a true story and the author’s impressive writing skill.

At the first glance at the book, I must admit that the nice layout on the front and back covers gives an immediate, warm feeling.  The author also did an excellent job in setting the Table of Contents; each chapter title truly reflects the content within, and attracts readers’ attention and desire to read.  For completeness, I would like to see a Foreword which is missing in the English version.

The book is structured into four parts.  The beginning chapter talks about the American father wake up in the hospital to gravely find that his wife had died in a car accident and their son was in coma.  On the other side of the ocean, in the next chapter, a young girl had repeated nightmares seeing the American during the Vietnam War.  This sharp contrast attractively sets off a tactic in the story development.  I like it!

When I read the first paragraph, my attention focused on the beginning sentence which often demands the writer’s deep thinking as it is the most difficult to write.  Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice” sounds very appealing.  With that in mind, as I was reading throughout the book, I could see how the main characters’ choice led to their destiny---the American Air force officer chose to marry his girlfriend in the State rather than follow his heart for the Asian girl; Lucie decided not to tell his first lover that she was pregnant because she wanted him to marry her for true love; Emma pursued her education in a fine school in the US despite the expensive tuition, also with the desire wanting to know more about her biological father whom she gave a hard time before she could forgive; the Frenchman proposed to marry a woman who he knew was pregnant with someone else; nanny Ba Sau gave up her chance to exit the country because she hated the American soldiers for the damage done to her family and herself…All these are choices that led to individual destinies.  I felt the opening statement is indeed the theme of the whole story, well chosen and well placed.

Part two deals with the story taking place during the Vietnam War.  An American Air force officer attended a New Year party in Saigon where he met a beautiful young Asian girl to whom he was attached and with whom he subsequently had a romantic encounter.  Not knowing she was pregnant and that he would be the father, he decided to go back to the State to marry his girlfriend out of “the dignity of duty.”  The Asian girl then married a Frenchman out of necessity to avoid the disgrace to her family in a society where having a child out of wedlock would be totally unacceptable.  Years later when the American was told he had fathered a girl, he became attached to his daughter, and wanted to rescue her and the mother in the last days of Vietnam War.  Stories as such are very common in war times as many GIs, aware of the casualty rate fighting the battles, would naturally want to have fun on off-duty, not caring the consequences of their personal satisfactions.

One thing I noted is the dialogs between the officer and the young girl.  I felt their conversations were carried out at a very high level, almost not possible in the reality that a young Chinese Vietnamese girl so capable to converse English so well and perfect when she was a below average student at a high school that taught French as a main language.  On the other hand, the broken English spoken by the chauffeur Chu Hai makes me feel more at ease and acceptable as it truly reflects the reality.  I think readers who were born and raised in Vietnam during the war would feel the same.

Unlike American culture, Vietnamese address senior people “Ông, Bà” to show respect.  Nanny “Bà Sáu” does not mean grandma number six as explained in the footnote.  In addition, “Sáu” or six does not mean the lady is the sixth daughter in her family.  To be correct, the oldest son or daughter is “Hai” or second, so “Sáu” or six would refer to the fifth son or daughter.  Furthermore, a nanny, housemaid or family chauffer generally addresses the household owner’s son and daughter as “cậu” and “cô.”  In the book, the nanny called her owner’s daughter “my child.”  I don’t think this can happen in real life.

Liberty came after the war.  Part three of the book talks about the family settlement in France with a peaceful but hard working life.  The American officer from the US now wanted to reunite with his daughter because he was lonely after his wife died in a car accident and the son in coma.  The daughter would give him a hard time initially.  All these are well detailed that make the story moving and interesting.

The last part tells, along with the boy awakening from coma, how Lucie died at 47 from cancer.   I wonder why Lucie’s parents did not fly from Taiwan to see their dying daughter.  Was it an overlook?  Emma started a new life having her own family in the US, happy and gradually forgiving her father for abandoning her mother when she was pregnant of her.

Over all, the book is well written as a novel.  Personally I would like it more if it were presented as a memoir, biography or autobiography without any modification to the story.  Real people, real events are more appealing to readers, especially to those who went through the Vietnam War period.

I give this novel an A+.



  1. 站長, 祝您感恩節快樂!您吃完了火雞應該有力氣,拜託翻譯或解釋上面那篇長長的留言好嗎? 我老中有興趣但看不懂。只看懂"I like it" 和那個A+。如果太麻煩就算了!還有您說的兩天免費下載這書, 是中文嗎?

  2. 老中, 知道您對這本書有興趣。作者若知道了一定會很高興。您要對那中文版有興趣, 其實可以email Vera Lam, 直接跟她購買可也!還可以有她的簽名。本站也向Vera 購買了中英各一本。Vera email address如下:
    veram.lam@gmail.com 祝您好運!

    1. 老中, 忘了跟您提: 在吉如站的每一專輯大主題下都有一行字, 寫著:
      "If you need help in language translation, 需要翻譯請按click HERE"
      您何不試試看?這古哥的電腦系統翻譯,雖然有點死板甚至有時會混亂意思, 但三匕不離八九。以您老中的中文厚底程度來詮釋, 應該有佐益而難不倒您的。

  3. 我在amazon.com買了英文版本。我與VM有同樣的感覺。作者寫的非常好。我想這是作者自己的家庭故事。如果作者接受中文評論,我會寫。我需要聽到作者的回复。


    1. 春天, 謝謝停站留言。本站是中英越文不拘 (若是有人要寫越文,也請提供越文的注音符號), 只要您的意思帶到, 大家看得懂, 也有共鳴, 就可以了。相信作者歡迎接受中文評論。盡可暢所欲言, 但說無妨!

    2. Hi VW,
      Thanks so much for taking the time to give your comments and feedback. Your review has a lot of good analysis and comments. I think it will be very helpful to other readers. If you don’t mind, can you post your review on Amazon as well?
      Here’s the link (you need to log in Amazon first, and then post).

    3. 春天你好,
      與大家分享。 謝謝你!

    4. Vera,

      Because I did not purchase the book or items from Amazon before, I am not allowed to enter a customer review on Amazon. You can enter on my behalf or have some one who has permission to enter review to post my feedback. Are you currently writing another book?

      Happy holiday,


    5. Hello VW,
      I believe you don’t have to buy the book from Amazon to write a review. Do you have an account with Amazon? You can create one easily WITHOUT buying anything on the site. Unfortunately, Amazon does not allow author to put in any review from the readers.
      Thanks again for your time. Happy Holidays!

    6. Vera,

      I did register and open an amazon account. After I accessed amazon account, this is the message from Amazon:

      "To submit a customer review: you need to use an Amazon account that has successfully been charged for a purchase. Free digital downloads don't qualify (including free Kindle books, apps, videos, or MP3s) as well as any free promotional items received. You don't need to have purchased the product you're reviewing. Learn more about writing customer reviews."

      You try to open a new account and attempt to write a review, you will understand it.


    7. Hello VW.
      Thank you for taking the time to do this! I really appreciate your patience.
      I am sorry; Amazon must have changed their policies. They are a BIG and powerful company. I opened an account years ago, and I have written many reviews on books I didn't buy on Amazon. I guess they are trying to protect their business.
      Thanks again!
